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BSCI verksmiðjuprjónað pólýester Shu flauelsbundið samsett þungt polar flísefni fyrir þykkari jakka Rúmfatateppi

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Er eitthvað vandamál? Vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur til að þjóna þér!

Er eitthvað vandamál? Vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur til að þjóna þér!




Presenting the Knit Polyester Shu Velveteen Bonded Composite Heavy Polar Fleece Fabric, the choice that is perfect making thicker jackets, bedding, and blankets. This textile that is top-quality construction that is top-notch user-friendly features that guarantee exemplary performance.


Constructed from durable materials and prepared under strict quality control measures, an stability is had by this material this is certainly great of, heat, and durability. It is actually created polyester that is using a product that is recognized for the opposition and capacity to put on and tear. The textile is non-pilling, also it keeps its fluffiness, softness, and general texture even with numerous washing procedures because of this.


The Rarfusion Knit Polyester Shu Velveteen Bonded Composite Heavy Polar Fleece Fabric steps more or less 59 ins (150cm) in width. Its weight is medium, which makes it an material that is fantastic for most different clothes. It is ideal for producing coats, vests, and clothes that are looking superior insulation.


Not forgetting, the materials additionally has a polyester that is knit velveteen bonded composite, which adds a genuine and luxurious texture, softness, and plushness. It has water that is very good properties, allowing it to provide outstanding security from dampness and moisture.


Another function that is exciting the hefty fleece that is polar, which gives superior insulation and heat. Whether used as being a liner or due to the fact layer this is certainly exterior the Rarfusion Knit Polyester Shu Velveteen Bonded Composite Heavy Polar Fleece Fabric guarantees maximum convenience and security.


The material will come in various colors, including classic black colored, pristine white, and grey that is fashionable that makes it perfect for making a range this is certainly wide of and house add-ons. It is a versatile and material this is certainly sensible you need to use to create throw that is stunning, blankets, and also other decoration products.


Finally, the textile's BSCI factory official certification guarantees ethical and production that is sustainable, making certain you get a item that is top-quality may be socially accountable.


Along with the Rarfusion Knit Polyester Shu Velveteen Bonded Composite Heavy Polar Fleece Fabric, you might be guaranteed in full performance this is certainly convenience that is superior durability, and quality. It is the option that is ideal producing cold temperatures clothes, bedding, and interior decor things. Purchase yours and feel the standard that is greatest of quality and gratification today. 

Vistvæn, hendur mjúkar, vatnsheldar, annað
170-320gsm eða eins og þú þarfnast
140-180cm eða eftir þörfum þínum
T/T, L/C, D/A, D/P, West Union, Paypal, Öruggar greiðslur
1000 metrar á hönnun á lit, hægt er að ræða sérstakt ef það er minna en það
1. Ókeypis sýnishorn og ókeypis sýnishornsgreining. Við höfum hönnunar- og þróunarteymi fyrir sérsniðnar kröfur þínar, vinsamlegast ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur.
2.24 klukkustundir á netinu og skjót viðbrögð.
3. Þúsundir hönnunar fyrir þig að velja úr. Nálægt stærsta efnismarkaði Asíu - Keqiao.
4. Stuttur sýnishorn og framleiðslutími.
5. Gæðaskoðun í línu og endanleg eins og óskað er eftir.
6. Sæktu viðskiptavini okkar í verksmiðjuna okkar og komdu aftur.
7. Láttu alla aðfangakeðjuna, útvega frá efni til fullunnar vörur (svo sem fatnað, teppi osfrv.) framleiða og flytja út, spara þér tíma og kostnað við að velja birgja til vinnslu fullunnar vöru.

Eftir söluþjónusta
Þegar viðskiptavinir fá vörur, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur frjálslega ef einhver gæðavandamál eru, við munum hittast til að gera þig ánægðan. Og við munum aldrei láta það gerast aftur.

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