Komast í samband

Nál flannel

Needle Flannel Needle flannels lead a warm and smooth use of the classic fabric type with its important production technology, it emphasizes that it will always keep you stylish in winter. High strength woven with a soft touch made from 50% wool and 50 % cotton.

    Discover the Beauty of Needle Flannel

    Seriously, if you have not discovered Needle Flannel this is a travesty. This fabric is soft, smooth to the touch and can be used for almost any type of garment-making or bedding. The texture of Needle Flannel is unique in that it offers a soft and fuzzy quality, making it an excellent material to wear on cold winter days. Needle Flannel is a versatile fabric that can be used to make adorable items of clothing including winter gowns, warm coats and sweaters, comfortable trousers but also more specific creations like baby clothes, socks & plush blankets.

    Why choose Rarfusion Needle flannel?

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